I hold many beliefs which differ from most--or a significant minority--of Americans. Without apology, here they are:
* Diversity is highly overrated; it should never be encouraged or forced by government. There was little or no diversity in all of history's great civilizations.
* I don't understand the emotional objection to Racial Profiling. When 98 out of 100 terrorists are radical Islamists, why waste time strip-searching little old ladies? It's a similar story with latinos illegally crossing our southern border, carrying drugs and robbing and killing Americans.
* The Drug War should be ended by legalizing all illegal drugs. Then we would deal with users as we do with alcoholics. Drug crimes would end immediately because the drug lords' profits would disappear, prisons would empty, and law enforcement officers could concentrate on real crimes. The Arizona problem of illegal immigrants carrying drugs and committing crimes would stop.
* Troops abroad should all be recalled--from every nation--immediately.
* Only when threatened with imminent attack should Congress declare war, and we should never initiate hostilities without such declaration.
* No element of government should censor spoken or written speech--so says the First Amendment. End all bleeping!
* Democracy is not the best form of government, because it allows the tyranny of the majority over minorities. God save the Republic!
* Political Correctness is cowardice.
* Moderation is highly overrated, is rarely the most desirable goal. I agree with Goldwater, who said, "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!
* Public Schools need competition to become successful. End teachers' unions and tenure, which stifle the quality of education.
* CO2 is good (ask any plant). Human influence on weather is negligible compared to natural events. Google "Testimony of Richard S. Lindzen before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on 2 May 2001".
* Medicare and Medicaid are unconstitutional socialist programs that threaten to bankrupt our nation--privatize or eliminate them. Those who deserve help will get it from private individuals and organizations, who will freely donate the money the government would otherwise take from them in taxes. Do you honestly believe that the government politicians and bureaucrats who administrate these programs are more compassionate or wiser than the rest of us?
* Privatize Social Security. We individuals deserve a chance to manage our own retirement accounts. This would be true even if the federal government hadn't demonstrated so often and so convincingly that they can't manage money. They have irresponsibly spent all the money in the Social Security "lock box" on failing programs, even here on the eve of the day when the system goes bankrupt.
* Trust the free market, not government, to decide which businesses and industries will succeed. Where there seems to be a problem with the market, it's usually due to government interference. You can always trust the vigilant entrepreneur to provide a product or solution where there is genuine demand.
* The Constitution should be amended to limit elected politicians to a single term. This would ensure that no incumbent would ever waste time in office working for his reelection. The corruption-prone career politician would pass away.
* Abortion, generally speaking, should be legal (although I would make it difficult during the third trimester). Pro-lifers who would allow abortions after rape or incest, yet proclaim the sanctity of human life, are hypocrites. The merging of sperm and egg does not make a human being.
* Ron Paul is my favorite politician. He is the American most qualified for the presidency.
* President Roosevelt was bad. Churchill was great.
* President Wilson was bad.
* Microsoft has always been bad. (Mac is good.)
Friday, August 6, 2010
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