Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Pet Peeves

politicians who spend most of their time and lots of money getting reelected
politicians who ignore the Constitution
"whether-or-not" introducing a noun clause
"he or she"
"amongst", "at this point in time", "an historic"
limp handshakes, especially while looking away
Sean Hannity shakes hands with a pen in his offered hand. That's offensive!
TV hosts who constantly interrupt their guests
"healthy" when "healthful" is meant
"myself" instead of "me"
"Hindsight is 20-20" (meaning perfect). 20-10 is twice as good as the "nominal" 20-20.
"one-800 number"
"level playing field"
"way, shape, or form"
constantly repeating "you know?"
"Look, ..."
"criteria" and "phenomena" as singular nouns
customers at an all-you-can-eat restaurant leaving half their plate untouched
"podium" instead of "lectern"
rude people who sit with others while talking at length on their cell phone
censoring movies
hosts who invite you and then don't acknowledge your entrance
not using turn signals--especially when you're waiting at a side street on their right, and then they turn right (making you wait unnecessarily)
women who block the aisle with their cart and themselves (yes, it's mostly women)
body piercing and tatoos
"a whole 'nother..."
"how big of a..."
pron. "err" to sound like "air"
pron. "Caribbean" ca-RIB-e-an instead of Ca-rib-BEE-an
pron. en-tre-pren-OO-er instead of en-tre-pren-ERR
pron. FEB-you-wair-ee instead of FEB-ru-air-ee
pron. Co-pen-HAAGH-en instead of Co-pen-HAIG-en  I lived eight years in Denmark and never heard one Dane say Co-pen-HAAGH-en.  Damn Danny Kaye!
Torino (It's "Turin" in English, like Rome and Venice.)

and from
"Ya, know what I'm sayin"... answering with "Again..."
jerks who take up 2 parking spaces
the giving of non-traditional names to babies
women who wear too much perfume
text in all caps
using the phrase "110%"
constantly repeating "like"
blocking traffic by driving slowly in the inside lane

and from
going right to the very end of a terminating lane and trying to push in

Irritating and Incorrect English from the Media and Congress:
06/13/07  "for Bill and I"---CNBC, Sue Herrera
06/13/07  gentlelady---U.S. Congress: a nonword, P.C., redundant, silly---improvement seen
08/24/08  "... or whomever is the next president"---Joe Biden, VP cand.

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